Summary of observations recorded at 0830 hours IST: Dry weather prevailed over the State. Chief rainfall amounts (in cm): NIL. Davanagere recorded the lowest minimum temperature of 12.6oC in the plains of the State.
Forecast for the State valid up to morning of 31st December 2022: 48 hours: Dry weather very likely to prevail over the State. Temperature Warning: NIL. Thunderstorm warning: NIL Heavy rainfall warning: NIL
Outlook for subsequent 24 Hours: No significant change is expected over the State. Fisheries warning: Nil.
Local Forecast for Bengaluru city & neighbourhood valid until the morning of 31st December 2022:
Next 24 hours: Partly cloudy sky becoming mainly clear sky towards evening/night. Fog/mist very likely during early morning hours in some areas. Maximum and Minimum temperatures very likely to be around 28 and 17 Degree Celsius respectively.
Next 48 hours: Partly cloudy sky becoming mainly clear sky towards evening/night. Fog/mist very likely during early morning hours in some areas. Maximum and Minimum temperatures very likely to be around 28 and 16 Degree Celsius respectively.