Planning and designing is the way to use agricultural land for food production as well as for various purposes can provide food, happiness, health, economy and many more benefits and strengthen the agricultural sector and the farmers economically.
What is the purpose of farm design
The ultimate objective of agricultural land planning is to improve the standard of living of farmers, facilitate management,explore agricultural land for multipurpose usage,manage farming cost and resources efficiently.
What is farm layout design ?
It gives farmers a clear view of what is being fixed according to land convenience and economy for various purposes on the farm. For example: Crop Planning,Farm House, Water Pipes, Roads, Electric Poles, Sheep/Goat/Poultry Shed, Borewell and Water Pump, Buildings etc.
without proper layout planning will result in financial and time loss. After designing the layout plan,installation of irrigation pipes, trenches and arrangement of plants should be done.
Benefits from farm layout designing
Opportunity to use land for various purposes,the potential of the land will increases in all terms. Making of separate plots helps during sale and Partition.
How to achieve economical and sustainable efficiency through farm design?
Management of land for farmers with small or large agricultural land holdings is difficult day by day due to lack of labor and uncertain agri income, difficult to pay the wages of workers.
In order to become economically stronger and to provide better facilities and wages to the laborers,it is necessary to grow agricultural crops along with Agri related profession/industry that is supplementary to agriculture and can be done locally using agricultural land.For example: nursery, seed production center, agricultural training center, agri tourism, farm stay, farm cottage, cottage industry, meditation center, naturopathy center, family food forest, etc. on own or rent basis for mutual benefit.
Each family grows food for their family on the farm land near them, performs farm work on the farm land with family members during the weekend and stay on the farm land. In order to avoid traffic congestion in the city, by making a plan to change from work from home like work from farm,setting up new start-up, etc., by avoiding migration from village to city, job creation in the village, employment opportunities for landless and jobless youths.
Farm layout plan for Agricultural activities as well as for other purposes
*Opportunity to plant more crops in less space.
*Sheep/Poultry/Cow/Fish farming.
*Agricultural produce market.
*Farm stay.
*Farm Cottage.
*Plant nursery.
* Cottage industry.
*Training Centre
*Yoga/Meditation centre
*Naturopathy Centre
*Space for celebrating special ceremonies.
Thus, by opening up the use of agricultural land to a range of opportunities, agricultural land can be used to maximum extent by more people with minimum rental/lease/purchase opportunities at minimum maintenance cost. Tenants of land and those who rent/lease land and use it for various purposes can be mutually beneficial.
*Designing a separate plot (portion) according to the holding of agricultural land can provide many advantages.
*Each plot can be used for a separate purpose.
*Facilitate transportation of agricultural implements and agricultural produce.
*Agricultural Produce Storage/Cold Storage.
*Separate crop arrangement in separate plot, use for separate purpose.
*While selling land or partitions of land,it is convenient to partition or sell separately plot wise.
*Due to design, there will be road and irrigation connection to go to each plot. A specific plot for a specific purpose.i. e Farmhouse, Sheep/Poultry/Cow Farming, Farm cottage, cottage industry…….. etc. to use or rent/lease/share for multiple purposes.
When there is a need for money due to various reasons, instead of selling the entire agricultural land, the need for money can be met by selling a separate plot as per the requirement.
When there is no design,it will cost a lot of money, time, grown trees to cut and other things to make the new road to the plot to be sold/Partion.
Most of the people who want to live in a good environment and get good health and grow non-toxic food are unable to fulfill their desire by buying agricultural land. Such people can rent/lease/purchase agricultural plot according to their needs.
Few people get a separate plot in the same agricultural land and appoint one person to manage the plot which makes management easier and maintenance/labour cost is easier to bear.
Growing your own food is like printing your own money” through small farming plots. For example, small-scale production can solve many problems than large-scale production. Buy a 10-gunta agricultural plot and build a house there and grow food for home consumption and do other jobs.
We design farm land as per your dream
*How to design your farmland for farming and farm related activities?
*Opportunities to earn additional income in farmland along with farm income.
*Benefits and oppurtunities of farmland design.
*About making agriculture an attractive and dignified profession.
*You can contact us for farmland preparation, fencing, Borewell recharge techniques,farmland and irrigation design,Crop planning, farmland management, Cost estimation and other Agri related matters.
Prashanth Jayaram
Agriculturist & Agri Consultant