Nutrition is the science and art of applying the principles of food science and human nutrition to prevent and manage diseases and maintain human health.
Following the National Education Policy 2020 guidelines, key topics such as components of foods, their chemistry and technologies involved in processing and preservation, Food science, Food commodities and chemistry, Food hygiene and sanitation, Food microbiology, Food Service Management , Food Product development, Culinary Science, Food safety standards and quality control in industries, Functional foods , Basics of human physiology, Human Nutrition, Family meal management, Nutrition through lifespan Public health nutrition, Dietetics , Research methodology are included in syllabus of the Undergraduate programme.
Discipline specific core papers , Electives , Ability enhancement components, Skill enhancement components, Project internship , field study and hands on training are included in the 4 year honors degree programme which add knowledge and state of artskills that provide first hand experience empowering students to be successful professionals . This programme equips the students to apply the scientific knowledge and skills to different strata of the society for safe wholesome food, overall health, nutrition and wellness of the community with a holistic approach.
Many students are showing keen interest in taking up this subject. The number of enrollments is increasing. All the subjects in Home Science have a technological approach that is useful in the current socio-economic scenario. There are five areas under Home Science:
1.Human Development
2.Family Resource Management
3.Food and Nutrition
4.Textile and Clothing
5.Extension Education and Communication
The 4 years B.Sc (Honors) degree programme in Food Science and Nutrition offered to students , is oriented towards quality education, outreach programmers and community development to shape the future teachers, nutritionists, administrators, research workers and home makers into nutrition and health conscious individuals.
In 1961 Smt VHD Central Institute of Home Science came into existence, as an answer to the increasing demands for higher education among young women.
Smt.VHD Central Institute of Home Science, School of Science, Maharani Cluster University (MCU), Bengaluru, is one of the premier women’s Government College in Karnataka. This year NEP framework is implemented in the university. Maharani Cluster University’s vision of education is based on innovative learning methodologies, continuous improvement, cultivation of practical skills and an uncompromising commitment to academic quality.
The goal of Maharani Cluster University is to reach out to the unreached and works towards the mission of Empowering women towards excellence with scientific temper and social concern. The University believes that education must relate to the real world and everyone concerned must be able to contribute and benefit from it.The university works to enhance access, equity and Quality in Higher education, reach excellence by inspiring holistic education among students, create self-confident, employable , value ingrained and empowered individuals.
Home Science is a scientifically planned interdisciplinary field of study with its mission to empower individuals, family, and communities. School of Home Science of MCU offers B.Sc and M.Sc Courses (semester system) .The Departments are equipped with well-qualified faculty and fully equipped laboratory facilities.
Department of Food and Nutrition, School of Home Science has to it’s credit an exhaustive list of student and faculty publications in national and international journals. Students have been awarded prizes for best research papers (oral and poster category).The department faculty have successfully completed UGC and DST funded research projects. Students are qualified in state and national competitive exams . “Keeping the current situation of health in mind, there is a rise in demand for food scientists , nutritionists and dieticians. They are eligible for state and central government jobs as teachers, in the Food and Nutrition related institutions, as extension education officers and more . Students have been placed in Government departments, Women and Child Welfare board departments,; Food safety officers ; as faculty in educational institutions (India, USA UK, Saudi Arabia) ; researchers in food industry, FSSAI food safety officers , recruited in the food industry, hospitality industry, gym, sports authority centers, curriculum planning, diet and nutrition counselors/consultants/educators , as clinical dieticians and nutritionists in various Government, private and corporate hospitals / wellness centres in hospitals and freelancing, health coach.
With a boom in food Science, health and nutrition sector , the NEP 2020 B.Sc. (HONORS) programmer in Food science and Nutrition provides following career/ job opportunities to students:
- Food Science Research assistant
- Nutritionist
- Assistant nutrition worker
- Health care assistant
- Quality Control Assistant in Food Industries
- Production assistant /Food Chemist (Food Plants).
- Entrepreneur
- Assistant Dietitian
- Food Quality Control executive
- Food laboratory technicians
- Health and Safety officer
- Good manufacturing process Trainee in Food Industries
- Nutritionist and Wellness Coach
- Food laboratory technicians
- Good manufacturing process Trainee in Food Industries
- R&D / QC in Food Science and Nutrition / nutraceutical /product development companies)
- Personalized Diet Specialist
- Dietary Unit Manager
- Executive in the field of Nutraceuticals / Functional
Where is the food science UG education?
UG cource in Food Science, available at Department of VHD Central Institute of Home Science, School of Science, Maharani Klusler University, Bangalore (stone building next to Maharani College, next to Independence Park). For more information on this, the head of the department, Dr. Ushadevi C. They can be contacted. Tel No: 99001 31196